Individual Supervision
I offer supervision to trainees and associates at CIIS counseling centers and at training clinics such at Grateful Heart and the Center for Mindful Psychotherapy. The supervisory relationship is part therapy, part teaching. The more trust we are able to establish, and the more you bring your authentic as well as your professional self to our time together, the more powerful and transformative the growth and learning can be.
I help early career clinicians integrate the various training they have received into a coherent, individualized offering. I have been helpful to somatic therapists who want to think more about object relations and the transference - countertransference matrix, and to psychodynamic practitioners who are curious about how they might work in a more embodied way with their clients.
I have led consultation groups in a variety of formats. Whether centered around clinical case presentation or around close reading of theoretical material my style is structured and aims to facilitate deep engagement, safety, and creativity.